12ᵗʰ Emléktábla Workshop

Date: July 4-8, 2022
Place: Velence Water Sports School, Gárdony, Hungary

The János Bolyai Mathematical Society, the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, the MTA-ELTE Momentum Combinatorial Geometry (CoGe) Research Group, and the MTA-ELTE Momentum Matroid Optimization Research Group are organizing the eleventh and twelth joint events of the Emléktábla Workshop Series from July 4 till July 8. The aim of the series is to gather young mathematicians to work on problems posed by experienced senior researchers or by the participants themselves. The topic of the eleventh workshop is Combinatorics and geometry, while the topic of the twelfth workshop is Matroid Optimization. For further details, please visit the website of the workshop.


Group photo
Bérczi-Kovács, ErikaELTE
Bérczi, KristófELTE-MTA
Bernáth, AttilaLufthansa
Csáji, GergelyELTE
Fleiner, TamásBUTE
Frank, AndrásELTE
Garamvölgyi, DánielELTE
Jankó, ZsuzsannaCorvinus University
Joó, AttilaHamburg University
Jordán, TiborELTE
Jüttner, AlpárELTE
Kakimura, NaonoriKeio University
Király, CsabaELTE
Király, TamásELTE
Király, ZoltánELTE
Kobayashi, YusukeRIMS Kyoto
Kotlar, DaniTei-Hai College
Madarasi, PéterELTE
Matuschke, JannikKU Leuven
Mendoza-Cadena, Lydia MirabelELTE
Pap, GyulaEGRES
Schlotter, IldikóBUTE
Schwarcz, TamásELTE
Sebő, AndrásGrenoble
Szabó, EszterELTE
Tóthmérész, LillaELTE
Varga, KittiRényi Institute
Yamaguchi, YutaroOsaka University
Yokoi, YuNII
Ziv, RanTei-Hai College